Crown Green Bowls 2024

In 2023 we began the refreshment of the NPTSA Crown Green Bowls, which saw the NPTSA team start the rebuild of the game since covid 19. 2024 will start with a new team who will move the game forward to future proof it.

Say hello to the team…

Chairperson – Howard Hylton
Vice Chairperson – Stuart Mckenzie
Competition Secretary – Stuart Wilkinson
Treasure – Howard Hylton

Life time Presidents – Joyce Heggerty & Percy Harrison

We will be starting with four competitions in the 2024 season while we work hard to extend the competitions for the future, please see below the 2024 fixtures.
Individual Competition – Sunday 30th June 
Erdington Conservative Club – B24 9HU

Doubles Competition – Sunday 21st July 
Hall Green Bowls Club – B28 9EF

Triples Competition – Sunday 18th August
Erdington Conservative Club – B24 9HU

Team Competition – TBA
Keep posted on our Website & Facebook for updates

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